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Top 10 Best Blood Pressure Machine/BP Monitors in India (2024)

Best BP Monitors in India

we have researched and came with our best picks of BP monitoring machines for home use. We have also shared our quick buyer’s guide to help you select your best BP machines. Today it is important to keep track on your body vitals even if you are healthy. Read full article to learn more.

Top 10 Best Mesh Wi-Fi Systems for Home in India (2024)

mesh wifi system for home & office

Wi-Fi systems are the norm of the day and routers are available that provide easy internet for the devices at your home and office. However, there lingers the issue of basic routers not excelling in coverage area or speed when multiple devices are connected. To address this issue, We have researched and came out with our list of best Wi-Fi mesh system.

10 Best WiFi Range Extenders & Repeaters in India (2024)

WiFi Extenders

In modern times, a life without an internet connection is unheard of and having a strong WiFi connection is one of the best things to experience. However, there happen to be certain situations when you might not get the strong WiFi signal you so desire which becomes quite annoying. Hence, to address this issue, a simple solution is to get a WiFi range extender or repeater. Check out our research and top picks of WiFi signal boosters in your budget.

Top 10 Best LED TV/ Smart TV under 50000 in India (2024)

Best LED TV/ Smart TV under 50000 in India

There was a time when a 4K tVs would have cost you more than a lakh from top TV brands but today getting a 4K TVs has become affordable with the brands ,like Mi, Vu which are gaining its acceptance in India with better after sales service. Read full article to know out top affordable picks from best LED TV brands in India